The Obamas Wall Calendar
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"The Obamas" 2022 Wall Calendar
With pride in our hearts, we are honored to present our next addition to one of our best selling series, The Obamas. Hand selected images capture some of the moments we loved the most. With such a plethora of accomplishments, it is hard to know what will have the largest impact. Whether it was passing that bill that gave millions of previously uncovered Americans healthcare, or the huge upturn in the economy under their term. Or perhaps it was the simple, but overwhelmingly powerful act of being a strong, committed, and scandal-free couple that exemplified the term “black love”. Regardless of what it was, over the course of their eight years as the First Family of the United States, Mr. & Mrs. Obama added a new chapter to the many pages of American History.
12" x 12"
4 mini-view months of 2021
12 full page months of 2022